• Galion Fabulous

    Richard P. Gabriel, left the following 5 star review for the product TS A20 Power Amplifier:

    After 75 hours of burn-in on my Galion A20, here are my impressions. The easiest way to put it is that it sounds just the way Thomas said it would in his Passion Project video—I am totally satisfied. Now some details. I am a nearfield listener, with the speakers on either side of my computer monitor, and I sit about 3–4 feet from them. I noticed * Very good detail across the board. I am using the word “detail” to encompass the audiophile descriptors like “revealing” and “resolution” as well as “detail.” Detail is precise and sharp but neither harsh nor biting. This was why I bought the A20. I could hear stuff on recordings I had not heard before; for example, the bass player muttering and breathing in “You Look Good To Me ” on “We Get Requests,” Oscar Peterson Trio. * No peaks or valleys. No part of the audible spectrum is pushed too forward nor too backward. One could say it is neutral or flat, but those terms sell short the quality of sound. The treble is very clear and smooth or perhaps I could say it's pretty sounding. Combined with my REL subwoofer, I'm getting all the bass I want. * Timbre is revealed. The sound (or “noise,” as poets might say) of voices and musical instruments strikes me as true to the real thing. Piano notes are nicely complex, plucked or fingered standing basses have what one bassist calls a nice “peanut butter” sound that comes from skin on old strings. * Soundstage as good or better than my tube rig. Every now and then there is some sound I hear that I believe comes from outside or upstairs, and when I repeat that part of the recording or mute the sound, I can tell it's the recording and not something in the real world. * Musicality. My other amplifier is a superbly pretty sounding and warm Decware tube amp—I describe it as “lush”—the A20 gets really close to it. * Vocals. These are well defined and nuanced. I can hear the breathiness of Diana Krall as well as the emotive deep voices of Leonard Cohen and Johnny Cash (on “American The Man Comes Around”). Vocals seem a particular strength of the A20. * Many of the recordings I listen to sound different to me because I can hear more of what's in the recording. Overall, the A20 sounds more “tubey” than I expected. In case it's not I love the A20; by far the best amplifier I've ever had (or heard in real life).

  • Galion TS A20 : A good 20 Watts / ch amp.

    Thomas Lai

    I received the amplifier today. I allocated some time during lunch hour to plug it in and turned my whole system on. I got no sound! Nothing! Not even a hum or hiss! Good, because I hadn't played any songs yet. I'm so used to hearing some sort of low volume hum from my tube amps; this had nothing. Excellent!

    I had a quick listening session with the A20. I will say that this amp did nothing wrong. Like Thomas mentioned, I could hear more bottom end with the A20 in my system. It was almost like it recovered the bottom end that I was not hearing with my other amps.

    The top end was refined, detailed, sparkling, but not intrusive at all. The midrange was smooth, not overly warm like the JC1 that I used to have.

    However, I did find it to be a little polite sounding (or should I say, not exaggerating in any area?). Maybe that's why I initially thought the amp had lower gain. Thomas later on explained the preamp matching will change the character of the A20. I do have a few other preamps, both tube and solid state. I guess I will roll them in to see how they sound.

    Note: Thomas also mentioned that it will take 100 hours for the amplifer to break in. Looking forward to see how the amplifier would after break in.

  • TS A20 review


    I've been listening to my A20 for the past month and racked up about 250 hours with it. The best speaker amp I own right now hands down, at this point in time. If it's combined with a good recording and a preamp/speakers that don't hold it back, it will play back all the details embedded in the recording with a rich and nuanced sound. Picking other descriptors is hard, it plays music and you just sit there and don't worry about anything except selecting your next piece. There's no fatigue except when you inevitably have to get up, shut it off, and do other things.


    My setup: AudioGD R27HE DAC/preamp taking coax input from a Wiim Pro and USB input from my PC, JBL Studio 580 tower speakers on SVS feet, high quality TrippLite and Worlds Best Cables interconnects throughout. I believe that interconnects do affect sound, but the point where they stop doing so is quickly reached with some common sense and good materials/build quality.


    Other speaker amps in my collection: Schiit Aegir 2 and Tyrs, restored Hafler XL280, Galion TS A75


    (To those that think I'm crazy pairing these speakers with this level of equipment, you severely underestimate how much potential they have. JBL could have charged double their posted MSRP when they were sold, and it still would have been reasonable.)

  • Perfect class A amplifier

    Wai Hung Lee, left the following 5 star review for the product TS A20 Power Amplifier

    I purchased the TSA 20 Class A amplifier to drive a bedroom system. So far so good with authoritative base and tube like mid range. The highs are opening up with bunt in. Very enjoyable second system. Look forward to pairing this amp with future Gallion

  • The best Class A amplifier

    Thor Inge Svelland, left the following 5 star review for the product TS A20 Power Amplifier

    This is definitely the best class A amplifier I’ve ever heard, just straight out of the box, and it sounds great, can’t imagine how it would sound when burnt in.

    I connected it to my Kudos Titan 808 loudspeakers, and used my Auralic Vega S1 as a preamp, it works flawlessly, got no problem driving my speakers, and they are 91dB in 8 ohms.

    We have timbre, 3-D sound, details, punch and deep bass, didn’t miss anything, and this is coming from a guy, that have had a lot of different hi-end setups over 35 years.

    MBL 101e MK II, Avantgarde Duo Omega, Estelon, JBL, Klipsch, Kudos, Bastanis OB etc with amps like MBL, Aavik, McIntosh, Mark Levinson, Krell, Accuphase, Wavac, Kondo, AN, Pass Labs and so on.

    All I can say after listening to Galion for some hours now, is that this got to be a bargain and a great value for your money, so grab one while you can

  • Awesome TS A20

    William Sanderson, left the following 5 star review for the product TS A20 Power Amplifier

    I really love the A20! I'm not sure I have even broken it in yet with only about 20-30 hours of playing, but the sound is fantastic. I have it paired with a NAD M66 preamp and either some vintage Boston Acoustic Lynnfield VR975 speakers or a new set of Zu Union 6 Supremes. The BA speakers are 91 dB through 8 ohms and the Zus are 99 dB at 8 ohms, so both are well suited for the 20 watts on tap from the A20. I was concerned that the somewhat analytical M66 would be a bit too lean for the A20, but it sounds glorious. I especially love the soundstage and instrument separation that the A20 brings to the other components. I like the treble, midrange and bass control on tap. This setup really rivals the TS 120 SE in class A!

  • High Praise

    I received the A20 in good order a week or so ago. I love everything about this power amplifier. I currently have it configured with an: Allo Digione Signature streamer (on Roon), a Gustard x18 DAC, Musical Paradise MP 701 Preamplifier, and KLH 5 speakers. I primarily listen to Jazz and Classical Music.

    I especially like the voicing, the clarity and the soundstage.

    Along with the rest of the HiFi Community I am anxiously awaiting the debut of your preamplifier.

    November 21,2024, Pittsburgh, PA

  • The TS A20 is fabulous, I cannot recommend it enough.

    David Sor, left the following 5 star review for the productTS A20 Power Amplifier:

    I've had the TS A20 for a few months now. I have to admit it took me a bit of time to get the sound just right (perfectionist here), but I managed to do so and I have to say it will be hard for me change anything about my system. I am hands down getting the best sound I've ever had at my place. I've had fancier perhaps but nothing as realistic. Everything sounds so believable. It is spectacular. The sound is really transparent, with great tone and balance. The soundstage and imaging are great even if I think the soundstage is not as deep as it could be perhaps due to the limitations of my room, but moving in not too long. Nevertheless all sounds have their location in 3D space due to a super black background and layering, and even if there is a lot of detail and air the sound does not feel dry, or unrealistic, it just feels extremely natural, soulful and pleasant in all types of music. The dynamics are great as well. Typical things that sometimes don't come out right like kick drums, clapping in live concerns, the decay of piano notes, cymbals...all sound to me just right in my current setup. Congratulations Thomas. I've heard in some reviews that the bass could be tighter but to be honest, I do not see how. True that when comparing the A20 to a class d perhaps there is a bit more emphasis in the lower region with the class d, but I would not say this was due to the bass being less tight on the A20, and in fact the bass resolution of the A20 is admirable. And my class d (Boxem Arthur 4215/e2) can't get anywhere near the quality of the midrange and treble of the A20. My system is composed of an Electrocompaniet streamer DAC (ECM1 MkII), Acoustic Invader preamp with upgraded caps and internal cabling, the A20 and Faital 3WC-10Be speakers with the level 1 crossover. I use a puritan filter as well. I've had a lot of gear come and go already but this amp is a keeper. Do not hesitate to buy one. I cannot recommend it enough.

  • Wonderful for music, and even more wonderful for home theatre

    Phil Noone, left the following 5 star review for the product TS A20 Power Amplifier:

    A lot of budding audiophiles might be using an integrated amp and be wondering what difference adding a pre or power amp would make to the sound. I had been wondering myself for many years. Also, a lot of people don't realise (perhaps like me) that they can buy a power amplifier and very successfully attach it to their integrated amp resulting in the integrated amp acting as a pre-amp only. At tremendous risk (because I couldn’t get an in-home trial or even have a demo), I added the Galion A20 to • Denafrips Terminator DAC • Cambridge CXVN 2 streamer • Musical Fidelity Ms5 Integrated • Harbeth XD7 speakers • Denon AVR 3500H The A20 made a wonderful difference (phew!!) . However, it takes ages for it to run in to its full potential, a good few months perhaps. It starts off good, and then gets better over time The best thing (for me) is that it’s gentle to the ears and non-fatiguing, even at loud volumes, and there’s no problems with it going loud (although I never go above 85dB and usually settle around the 65-70 dB area). A lot of stuff I’ve owned (going back) sounds great at first but then after an hour of listening I feel tired. I can go all day with the A20 however. It conveys emotions into the sound, not analytic or harsh, it has a detailed signature but none of the details seem crammed together, it's all spaced out really well A real bonus is that it’s fantastic within a home theatre system where I habitually go up to 80-85 dB. The detail the amp provides gives a wonderful ambience to HT. All the sounds of the soundtrack are extremely nuanced – the crackling leaves of a pedestrian’s steps for example are so easily heard where once it might’ve been only heard with sharp concentration. A friend of mine who has watched a movie at my house about once a month for many years and has an extraordinary knack for predicting the Oscar winning soundtrack prior to announcement, was blown away by the A20 in full flight. He just couldn’t believe it Unfortunately, the new pre-amp to accompany the A20 won’t be coming with a HT by-pass, which is sad, as I’d 100% upgrade otherwise I’ve returned and / or sold a lot of equipment over the years because I haven’t liked it, even though at first it seemed all right, but not this one, the A20, is a keeper. After about 3.5 months, there's no doubt about it Phil, Melbourne Australia