TS Voyager speakers customers review
Beautiful speakers for an amazing nearfield experience
Rating:5 stars
Author:Keith HortonThe TS Voyagers have just shown me how great a nearfield experience can be. By nearfield, I'm mean "speakers within arm's reach".
First impressions when I connected them, "Oh damn, now I get what these reviewers mean when they callout a speaker having 'smooth' mids!". I just had to stop and listen to vocal and guitar-forward music a while, wow! Second impression: I can turn it up & get *that* level of imaging, and *that* close to me? I still find it shocking that I can turn up intense and busy music (think: Tool, Jinjer) so close to me and they disappear with no glare/harshness, no 'beaming', good width & depth, solid imaging.
Anything to be critical?
Coming from Buchardt S400s, these don't have the huge dynamics. Bass is tight and blends very well into the mids but it doesn't go super-deep and doesn't have a lot that "body". I attribute some of this to not having an amp that can really give these 83db speakers the juice they want. Highs seem a little less forward, but still detailed and nothing harsh or hard.Along with S400s (a favorite "flavors" of speakers), I've now added these as a new 2nd fav "flavor". TS Voyagers are my go-to speakers now for nearfield listening, and often when I want to listen to vocal-forward music ... that 'smoothness' is just addictive.
And all for $850? That's such an incredible deal for such a beautifully built speaker that does so remarkably well. Did I mention how well-built they are? Damn, they are solid and just gorgeous.
Thanks Thomas!
A highly musical desktop solution
Michael Shue
For the desktop application, used with my Elekit TU-8200 tube amp, I love its ease on the ear and the way that there is enough detail to produce an utterly convincing performance. Overall presentation is smooth, clean and spacious with plenty of micro-detail. The top end is smooth without emphasis. The midrange is a little forward which brings the voice or instrument closer to the listener, hence more detail is easily discerned. The treble has a lively character which makes the music detail more engaging. Bass is well-controlled and relatively strong for its size. Its strength is to project a naturally toned sound to the listener without fatigue. If you value midrange quality, want something that’s more relaxing, and don’t want to focus on extreme highs and lows, and listen mostly at moderate volumes, this would be an ideal speaker. Only caveat is that soundstage could be a little shallow due to desktop environment. And also be aware that amp synergy with these speakers are essential to ensure musical enjoyment.
Draws you in, compelling performer
Rating:5 stars
Author:Greg HamiltonThis is a great little standmount. I’m using it in a near field setup with a low powered class A tube amp. It is definitely ticking all the hifi boxes for me.
It is a warm, smooth, evenly balanced little speaker that stages and images incredibly well. It does a nice job with acoustic material, instruments and voice. The low end is tuneful and satisfying and I have not had the desire pull a sub into the mix.
Oh, and the price is only $850 US. Highly Recommended!
Transmission Line Love
Author: Ken
Webster defines the word Matrix as "Something within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form"
This is what is happening with these lil gems.
-Great build
-Good packaging
-Pleasant sound for these ears
Happy owner. -
For the $$$ can,t do better
Karl on Mar 20, 2024
Clean well made speakers, big sound , sounds like a floor stander. My 35 watt tube amp drives them no problem . It can fill a large room with music. Give it a try,
Review of Voyager TL Speakers
Hi Thomas - I received my TS Voyager TL Speakers yesterday and hooked them up to my stereo system today. I am listening to them
now and I am impressed! Great sound from such little speakers!I have an old system that I am updating one piece of
equipment at a time.My living room is set up so I am seated 16 feet from
the Voyager TLs. My wife and I decided we like the sound without the foam baffles the best, to maximize the bass in our large room. Canting the speakers slightly inward toward center also made a big difference in sound quality.The TLs are set on top of my old Knight KN 2380 three-way
speakers on 17" stands (speakers circa early 1960s with 15" woofers and horn midrange) so they are just above eye level when we are seated.I have my gear going through a Douk Audio switch, so
I can use the Douk remote to switch between my two amps and the two speaker sets to better judge the sound.The Voyager TL speakers sound great with both my 35-watt
per channel Dynaco Stereo 70 and my 120-watt per channel Kenwood KR-9400.The Voyager TL speakers are a delight to listen to -
they make the old Knight speakers sound muddy in the treble and midrange, and bass heavy - quite an accomplishment for a speaker literally 1/4th the size of the old speakers.Thanks again for getting me in the que for the TS A75
Amp. I am looking forward to hearing the Voyager TLs with the TS A75.KLRJAZZ
First audiophile speakers
With many of the mid-budget bookshelf speakers I'd tried from HECO, ELAC and Focal, I consistently had to mix in a subwoofer cross-over to achieve an enjoyable hi-fi experience. One listen to the Galion TLs and I knew I had found my speaker and my subwoofers are up for sale! Such a relief to no longer have to play the game of mixing in low frequencies, as they come 'in the box!' Hats off to Galion for producing such a differentiated sound. Space and depth are off the hook. Bass is controlled. Audiophile.
The Voyager TL ... a wonderful speaker to play at low volume !
Listened to it for six hours before doing this quick review... sounded like at the 5th hour, it had been broken in as the imaging sounded much better than ever. Voices and instruments sound more real (I have it paired with the TS a75 amp. Have the Anti-Cables 5.2 i/c from Schitt Freya+ (with NOS tubes) pre to the A75 and Nordost (Chinese) Valhalla speaker cables hooked up to the TL speakers. The Nordost sounds fuller and cleaner than my previous ClearDay (all silver) speaker cables that I have had since 2016. For me, a great combo for the amp and speakers ! The combination of the amp with the TL speakers makes playing music at night at a softer level more enjoyable since the mid 1980s when I got into hifi systems ! This is my first entry into listening to transmission speakers...
Great gear with wonderful synergy
Michael Vegvari, left the following 5 star review for the product Galion TS Voyager TL Transmission Line Speaker :
I purchased both the TS A75 amp and the Voyager TL speakers as a secondary setup to contrast my HT setup that has sub-par musical fidelity (because it was focused on cinema sound). The Galion speakers and amp are totally different in a great way to that setup. These products are build really well, musical, and smooth with a nice fun character that is pleasing to my ears. They are true winners at a very reasonable price to performance ratio. They work great independently and even better together. This purchase has been a real positive experience thanks to Thomas and the products he is bringing to market.
TS Voyager SE MK2
Howard left the following 5 star review for the product Galion TS Voyager SE MK2
This is a sweet and special pair of speakers! Upon first use, the highs immediately reminded me of the B&Ws. The highs are transparent and silky-smooth without being forward nor fatiguing. For those familiar with Arendal 1723 tweeter sounds, which is also very revealing but textured, the Voyager Mk2 SEs are smoother in the highs, yet retaining all detail! This resulted in high frequencies being easier for the ears (Than the Arendals). The Voyager is smoother and airy in comparison. For near-field listening, smoother is easier on the ears, thus could be listened to for longer period of time.
The mids are also another highlight of the Voyager Mk2 SE’s. It seems that human voices are at the sweet spot of the speakers. Male husky voices sounded prominent and female voices sounded sweet, clean and airy.
The bass is clean, quick and snappy. However, given the smaller size of these speaker and my setup, bass doesn’t reach down low (rated 60Hz). For those bass-heavy tracks, I hooked up my spare subwoofer so it helped scratch that bass itch.
Smooth Sound
Pierre Martinez left the following 5 star review for the product Galion TS Voyager TL Transmission Line Speaker
At first, they sound very neutral to me, not that different from my Tekton Design Dynamites. I knew that eventually, I needed to do an A/B comparison. Many of the Voyager reviews said that they were on the warm side of neutral. My Power Amplifier - NAD C 298 Preamplifier - Benchmark L4A Source - Inuos Pulse Mini DAC - Denafrips ARES 12th-1 I usually listen at no more than 80db high, my room is 11 feet by 14 feet and the speakers are like 12 feet from my ears. The Voyagers sounded great nonetheless. I thought they would be warmer on the highs. I kept evaluating with other sources, the Sim Audio 260 D CD transport via a Geshelli JNOG2 [J2] DAC with an AKM chip and Sparkos Op-Amps. They did not sound bright; I was expecting a very warm sound (based on reviews), but they still sounded neutral like my Tektons, so I thought based on memory. It has been said that they can sound warm or neutral; I assumed it depends on the amplifier feeding them. I tried with no foam and full foam. I thought no foam might be less fatiguing as more bass will come into play. Or maybe I just have super sensitive ears as I am in my early 60's now . At one point throughout the evaluation, I thought I needed to listen to some Wharfedale Diamonds or Revel Concerta2 M16's again, as in the past (7 years ago?) I auditioned those at home and they sounded veiled to me and I sold and sent them back to the retailer. The imaging and soundstage of the speakers were great by the way, holographic. I played around with toe-in and out (off axis and on-axis variations) with the speaker placement. Obviously, the longer I listened to them, the more I got used to them. Then, I listened to the speakers with the half foam for a while at low volumes (an average of 65 db) and it was pleasant. I still could hear all the details and I did not get tired/fatigued. I thought that I still needed more sessions like that to come to a final assessment. I finally did an A/B comparison and the Voyager was much warmer when compared to my Tekton Dynamites. It is amazing how much an A/B comparison can reveal. After this, I purchased the speakers. I have become fond of them. -
Wonderfully Musical Speakers
Jimmy Jacob, left the following 5 star review for the product TS Voyager Mk2 SE
I ordered these within hours of hearing Steve Huff’s review where he said these were “special shelf” speakers but the only ones he placed in that category that were less than $1k. I have to tell you these are keepers and do not disappoint! My system consists of Polk R700 floor standers, Emotiva HC1 monoblocks, a Geshelli jnog2 dac with AK4493 and upgraded sparkos opams and a Wiim Pro as a streamer. This system sounded great, powerful but controlled bass and very cohesive, but I always left it was a little too analytical. My wife for example never liked to listen to them saying they are too harsh. When I connected these voyager mk2 se speakers to my system I initially found them to be good but not anything special. You see I had kept them on my TV stand positioning them about 18 inches high and about 1 foot from the wall. Then I got some cheap 30-inch speaker stands I had lying around and placed them about 2.5 feet from the wall. That is when they really opened up and saw what the reviewer was talking about. But then I found them lacking in bass and so I had to add an Energy subwoofer to the mix. Took some time to dial the subwoofer in and now I find that they sound divine! With a sub, I prefer them to the Polks and find myself listening to these all the time. The sound stage was big and did not feel like they were coming from bookshelves. These also sounded melodious with a juicy midrange and were way less analytical that the Polks. I found that I can even listen You Tube music on them without the source sounding like they are lacking. So yes these are also very forgiving speakers. Note that this review is based on my listening taste which are vocal and instrumental based songs from artists like Tracey Chapman, Norah Jones or Poets of the Fall and not loud rock music etc. where I suspect the Polks may sound better. Further, I wanted to add a note about some quick testing I did between 2 speaker cables I had around the 10 gauge Blue Jeans Cable Ten White and the Micca 14 Gauge. There was no comparison, the Blue jeans were way better, much more open, cleaner and better highs and midrange. Wondering if Thomas’ C300 cables would be better?!! But there you go.. wonderful and musical speakers!
Gary Ontiveros, left the following 5 star review for the product TS Voyager MK2 SE
I’ve been on a pursuit of sound excellence for the last two years and I’ve auditioned at least 10 sets of bookshelf speakers ranging in price from 500 to 2500. Some came highly recommended and my Buchardt MK 2’s being my reference at 2500. Fantastic speakers but I still wanted something that was a touch more refined on the high end. I kept 3-4 sets for various reasons which include the KEF LS50 Meta, Elac Unifi reference, and a set of Starke Sound betas. All excellent speakers but I was still looking for that sweet spot for my ears in a less than 3k range. I saw a couple of reviews on the SE’s and knew they were limited in quantity and pulled the trigger based on those reviews. Luckily I got in and received my pair. Upon opening the rather small box I was kind of dumbfounded. Size reminded me of a small set of Wharfdale’s I reviewed and kept ( crazy good for the price) and proceeded to unbox them. Size was smaller than I expected but set them up, and gave them a spin. Holy crap was I surprised. Immediately noticed the detail and bass extension for such a small speaker. Wow, was all I could think. Kept playing them for hours and have yet to use anything else since, 3 months later. Only have gotten better since then. Crystal highs, non fatiguing, tight bass, fantastic imaging and precise instrument placement. I still can’t believe how good these speakers are. Thomas knows something about sound based on these and I will look into his highly rated hardware going forward. Just wow.
Holographic Sound to a new level
Abraham Carmeli, left the following 5 star review for the product TS Voyager MK2 SE
Honestly, I bought these Voyager MK2 SE speakers just to see what Thomas has been banging about. Holographic Sound? Silky smooth midrange? I thought I had both on my system already. But boy, these speakers took it up 2 notches. Live recordings sound really live and even studio recordings occasionally would give me goosebumps. Amazing speakers, and they are now my favorites of my speaker collection. As mentioned by other reviewers you would probably need a subwoofer to make them shine, and plenty of power. I have a modest setup in an untreated room and they still sing like no other speaker I have. My Eversolo DMP A6 streamer, Denafrips Ares 15th DAC, and Fosi audio ZA3 dual mono with upgraded op amps.
Love the SE’s
Ben Causey, left the following 5 star review for the product TS Voyager MK2 SE
Thomas, thanks so much for the great design and implementation on these speakers. I received them yesterday and have connected them to a PASS/Ayre/Denafrips combo, and I've tried them with a Musical Fidelity A1 integrated. I was pleasantly surprised by how soft yet detailed the tweeter sounds (compared to my KLH 5, Tekton Lore, and Klipsch Heresy). I was concerned that they could possibly be too bright, but not at all. The setup process is challenging so far, but I can tell it will be perfect soon. The first impression I had was the depth of soundstage, which is very impressive. I have them well out into the room at about 6ft from the wall. I am also noticing wonderful midrange details (especially lower midrange) that I've never heard in music I'm very familiar with. I'm looking forward to playing with positioning in my small-medium sized room. PS - They mate well with a KEF Kube 12" sub using the speaker level connection from the amp. -
TS Voyager TL - Wow!
Eddie, left the following 5 star review for the product Galion TS Voyager TL Transmission Line :
It's been a one month wait to finally receive the speakers here in Canberra Australia. But its worth the wait to hear such wonderful speakers. I have had about 5 hours of listening pleasure trying out the speakers in my system and with the C100 speaker cables. The bass is awesome - I unplugged my sub woofer and listening to Tool - Chocolate Chip Trip was mind blowing!! I am not even putting in the foam plugs LOL I love the bass and the cables are giving me more oomph too. LOL LOL Maybe later I will put in the half foam. The mid range is so open Diana Krall sounds awesome. I also did not notice that the tweeters are below! everything sounds so smooth and the notes have weight behind it. My present setup is streaming through Wiim Ultra > SMSL SU-1 or Hifiman EF400 or line out via RCA > Schiit Saga 2 pre-amp > pair of monoblock SMSL a300 > Voyager TL. Thomas, as promised please reserve one TS-A75 for me, I want to try Class AB power!!! Can't wait to have a look at your new upcoming pre-amp too... -
Sweet sounding Voyagers
Jesus Gonzalez, left the following 5 star review for the product Galion TS Voyager TL Transmission Line Speaker
Just wanted to let you know that I am very happy with the Voyagers, hoping to get to listen to your preamp soon. Looking forward to it.
Galion TS Voyager TL review
Paul Galway, left the following 5 star review for the product Galion TS Voyager TL
Set up properly these speakers will do all of the good things that the youtube reviewers talk about with a very pleasant listening experience.